Year 6: Weekly Roundup

What a wonderful week in Year 6. I’m sure we can all agree that year 5 & 6’s Christmas concert was absolutely fantastic! Many weeks of hard work really paid off. Their singing and acting skills were beautiful, and it was a great last Christmas concert for the year 6’s. A huge thank you to all grown-ups for helping sort costumes and for coming to support everyone. 
We are still busy finishing the last few pieces of our topic ‘Ein byd’ which involved writing and performing their raps on adaptation. Excellent rhyming and performance skills from all! 
Next week: On Monday and Tuesday, we will be finishing with our stories which they have been working hard on this week, as well as a group creative task to finish off the week. 
Christmas dinner day will be on Tuesday and Christmas jumper day will be on Wednesday. Year 6 have chosen a film for the last day and they are more than welcome to bring in some treats for the film. We have creative activities, a quiz, and a film lined up for the final day, so no need to bring in games as we are jam-packed with fun! Christmas cards are being gathered in a post box and will be given out on the final day to save any cards being lost along the way. No homework will be set for return in January and if anyone needs their books changing before the holidays, then please send them in any day next week. 
Diolch yn fawr!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.