World Book Day: We had a blast on Monday where we set up the classroom as a French cafe for pupils to ‘taste test’ new books. Lots of new favourites are now of the top of many of their lists to continue reading at home.

We were surrounded by some amazing costumes which provided lots of smiles and giggles.

During the last couple of weeks before the end of our topic ‘Cymru’, year 6 have been very busy putting the final touches on their class book which provides information for everything you need to know about Wales. I was blown away by the detail and creativity put into their double-page spreads.

Next week:
Monday – Class photos will be taking place on Monday. Please ensure that pupils come to school in full uniform.
Wednesday – We will be heading to Ruabon High School to take part in some lessons and get to know the school better.
Thursday – Homework and reading book are due on Thursday. We will also be having our final rugby session outside. The homework mirror exactly what we have been doing in class so this can be completed independently if required.
Friday – Indoor P.E kits will be required for their dance rehearsal on Friday with Mrs McCaffrey. Very excited for their performance!
We hope you all have a lovely weekend and fingers crossed the sun stays out!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.