Year 6: First week back

Year 6 have had a busy but memorable first week back. One Monday and Tuesday we finished our final activities for the topic ‘Ein Byd’. In groups, we experimented with a range of musical instruments and created a piece of music which mirrored the animals’ habits and movements.  


Our final task was to work in groups to create a Welsh landscape. Everyone had a part of their chosen image to draw, and these were brought together at the end (like a jigsaw) to show the whole landscape.  


Launch day: On Wednesday, year 6 came to school to find that all their chairs were missing! We spent the morning exploring what ‘movement’ means and how we can achieve 60 minutes of movement each day. Their ideas for Pupil Power were excellent and we are all very excited to start our challenge time next week.  


Throughout the day, year 6 had multiple ‘movement breaks’ where we all participated in dancing.  


Next week: Maths homework has been sent home on Thursday this week, to be returned no later than Thursday the 18th. Reading books are also due next Thursday the 18th.  PE will be on Thursday morning (outdoors) and Friday afternoon (indoors).

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.