Year 6: End of term!

As our topic ‘Cymru’ is coming to an end this term, we’ve spent this week finalising pieces of work and having our last go at the Cymru challenges. On Monday, year 6 split into groups to produce a piece of music which represented a Welsh landscape.

A lucky few were chosen at random to contribute to the Easter garden at St Mary’s Ruabon Church. We produced a bird nest holding Easter eggs, an acrostic poem, and a beautiful painting of Jesus. These pupils went to help at the Church on Tuesday to assist others in building the indoor garden. 

On Wednesday, we took a very exciting trip to Ruabon High School to participate in some medieval baking for history, and an exciting geography lesson. It was a wonderful opportunity for everyone to experience a larger setting and to see what types of learning experiences will be had. 

The week finished with reading the final few chapters of The Snow Spider and finalising our writing on Snowdon. 
First week: No homework has been set for over half term, but reading books will be sent home, to be returned on the first Thursday back. 
We hope you all have a wonderful Easter break filled with lots of relaxing and enjoying the expected sunshine.
See you soon!
Mrs Keddie and Mr Kennard.