Year 4: Weekly Update

We are so proud of all of Blwyddyn 4 this week. It has been such a busy week and they have taken everything in their stride showing resilience and maturity. We finished the week with some golden time this afternoon as a treat for being such superstars all week.

Next week is set to be another busy one! We will move onto division in maths and we will be creating fact pages about spiders in our literacy work. We will also be recapping our SRE session from this week in small groups. In Science we will be investigating what a woodlouse needs in it’s natural habitat.

Monday will be PE with Mrs Hughes. Wednesday afternoon is sports day so please wear PE kits for this. It is looking like it’s going to be a hot day so please make sure that all pupils have hats and sun cream on and a water bottle. Thursday is our last swimming session.

Homework this week is a little bit of research on spiders in preparation for our writing in the week.

School will close for all pupils next week on Thursday at 3:15 and half term will begin. Don’t forget that it is The Friends of St Mary’s Summer Ball on Thursday evening.

We hope you have a lovely weekend. Da iawn once again year 4, we are so proud of you.

Mrs Williams, Mrs Probin and Mrs Hughes