What a fantastic first few days we have had in Year 1. The children have settled in really well and have enjoyed exploring their new classroom. They have also done really well learning many of the new routines we have in Year 1 and Mr Hall was amazed at how well the children were at tidying up the area’s once they had finished. I hope that trend continues at home when it comes to putting toys away…….. Fingers crossed!
This week we have been busy getting to know one another. We have been making flower faces that are ‘all about us’. Each petal contained an important piece of information that we either wrote or drew. These included our name and age, our favourite thing to eat and even what we liked to watch on TV! As soon as these are competed I will put the pictures up on Seesaw.
Speaking of Seesaw, the children have come home with family invites to our Seesaw classroom. These will allow you as parents to view our classroom to see what fun and fantastic things we have been up to. You can also comment and like posts if you so choose. If for any reason you didn’t receive the invite, please do come and see me and I can print off a spare copy.
Have a lovely weekend Year 1!
Mr Hall and Ms Scott.