Reception: First Week Round up!

Da iawn everyone for completing your first few days in full time school! Mrs. Phoenix is very proud of what super stars you have all been!🤩🤩🤩
We’ve loved exploring our new classroom together and playing with friends old and new! We enjoyed our first time eating in the canteen with the older children and loved playing outside on the bikes! We’ve ended the week having fun with the musical instruments! 🪇🪘🥁
Mrs. Phoenix can’t wait to get to know you all better over the coming weeks. 

Next week we will be making some self portraits, talking about our families and learning a for apple! Please could children bring in a family photo for our ‘Family’ display (if you haven’t already). 

Don’t forget on ‘Welly Weds’ you need to wear your old clothes and bring your wellies in a named carrier bag. Please come in your PE kits on Thursday. 

Have a great weekend everyone! 😁😁😁

Mrs. Phoenix 😊