Pnawn da,
Over the last few weeks we have been really busy.
E-safety rules
We have rewritten the e-safety rules for Foundation Phase and KS2. These have now been added to the school website for you to see under key documents. We have also shared them with the pupils during a whole school assembly.
Internet Safety Day
For Internet Safety Day we started the week by sharing a PowerPoint in assembly to introduce the theme for this year. The theme was Inspiring Change and we shared changes that have happened and how the internet can be used for good influences. All classes then completed activities.
Digital Skills Clinic
More recently we have been putting together lesson plans in preparation for our first Digital Skills Clinic. We will be teaching staff how to use digital apps and tools such as Adobe, Flip, Scratch, Micro:Bits and the Google Suite.
Digital Leaders (Year 5 and Year 6)