Year 3: Next Week Summary

Hi, Next week in maths we will be continuing with our column subtraction work and we will also be doing some problem solving! In literacy we will start reading ‘The …

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Year 3: Party Time

Today we had a party to celebrate the King’s coronation. Pupils wore the crowns they made and they all had a lovely time! Pupils also enjoyed their special meal at …

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Year 3: Hula Hooping fun

Year 3 had a great time hula hooping with Sasha on Wednesday! Part of our five ways to well-being (MAGIC) is to do with having lots of interests. The children …

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Year 3: Litter Picking

Our local area topic has come to an end, a topic Y3 enjoyed very much! They learned a lot about our local area (Ruabon in-particular) and it also helped them …

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Year 3: Africa Topic Launch

Year 3 launched their new topic today: Africa! A special visitor came from the Maasai tribe in Kenya to do a special dance and to tell the class interesting facts about …

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Year 3: P.E – Human Words

Y3 have been busy playing ‘Human Words’ in their final teambuilding session this afternoon. Each group had a group leader and were tasked with making a word each time, using …

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